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Station 2

Nederland Fire Station 2 also known as the Ridge Rd. sub-station, is a volunteer staffed station located at 2815 Ridge Road

May contain: truck, vehicle, transportation, automobile, car, machine, and wheel



Engine 5602 

May contain: transportation, vehicle, fire truck, and truck

This station has a 1998 Pierce, class 1 all-wheel drive Fire Engine, it carries 500 gallons of water, and has a 1,500 gpm pump along with standard structure fire fighting equipment. It seats four firefighters and is typically the engine sent when we have mutual aid resource requests during large scale wildland fires.


May contain: helmet, car, transportation, and vehicle


Brush 2 (5632) 

May contain: machine, spoke, architecture, building, and factory

Brush 2 is our largest capacity wildland fire truck, it carries 380 gallons of water and 20 gallons of foam. It has a mid-range pump capable of wildland fire attack, but can also be used for initial structure fire attack if needed. Functionally it is equipped to respond to wildland fires, but in this case it also has self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and ladder for initial cabin fires, where a full size fire engine cannot make it up the driveway. Responders from this station also use this truck for responding to motor vehicle wrecks and other types of calls.


May contain: transportation, truck, vehicle, architecture, building, factory, accessories, bag, handbag, machine, wheel, and person


Water Supplies

This station has a buried water tank of 9,000 gallons and there is a 30,000 gallon community cistern at the eastern end of Ridge Rd.  The closest hydrant is located at 500 block of Ridge Rd. A 15,000 gallon cistern tied to a wet barrel hydrant is available near the intersection of Cold Springs and Hummer, and several dry hydrants are located along north Boulder creek and at private ponds in the area.